The Healing Place
221 Linden Avenue | Hellertown, PA 18055 | 610.297.1798

Frequently asked Questions

Q: What is Healing Touch?
A: Healing Touch is an energy therapy that helps the body relax, restore, and rebuild. Light or non-touch techniques are used to modulate the energy around the body to restore overall balance and promote health. Healing Touch is a complementary therapy that works alongside your present medical care, enhancing the effectiveness of any treatment or medicine. It is safe for all ages and conditions.

Q: Do I need Healing Touch?
A: Everyone can benefit from receiving Healing Touch. Use it as part of your own personal wellness program to increase energy levels, strengthen the immune system, promote overall health, and optimize athletic performance.

For some, Healing Touch helps reduce the pain and fatigue that may accompany acute or chronic conditions. Many hospitals offer Healing Touch to patients before and after surgery to relieve pain and enhance recovery.

Since healing can occur even when the physical body is unable to recover, Healing Touch is often used with hospice to ease the end-of-life transitioning.

Q: What can I expect?
A: Arrive for your appointment wearing comfortable, casual clothing. You will receive your treatment fully clothed. I use light or near-body touch and employ a series of hand positions depending on the techniques needed. Your appointment will last approximately 90 minutes. Your initial visit may run a bit longer.

Most clients experience deep relaxation during their treatment. You may also feel heat, tingling, and may feel emotional. Results are often subtle, but can be profound. Some recipients say they feel little during the session, but notice a decrease in pain, stress, as well as a reduction in their own physical and psychological issues. Additionally, after a treatment, many clients have confirmed sleeping deeper, longer, and feeling more rested upon waking.

Q: What is the cost for a session?
A: A session is $90. The first session includes a free consultation to make sure you are comfortable with me, the surroundings, and the information provided, followed by an energy session which, in total, usually takes two hours.

Revisits are approximately 90 minutes.

Q: Is there a cancellation policy?
A: I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone's life. In an attempt to be fair and understanding 24 hour advance notice is requested when cancelling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you may be charged the full amount of your appointment.
